A perfect mash of moral confusion

In other words, corporate America has more than one kind of worldview problem. The most apparent kind has to do with embracing the lies of the Sexual Revolution, as well as playing around with dangerous supernatural realities they neither understand nor respect. But the other kind has to do with a naïve “just-so” history of inevitable progressivism. Corporate boards and advertising agencies rarely consider that they may be the laughingstock of a future generation. They can hardly conceive the prospect that their grandchildren or great-grandchildren could hold them in derision for celebrating degeneracy and the demonic. They cannot imagine that there could be a Sexual Counter-Revolution, where sanity and respect for nature (particularly human nature) come roaring back with a vengeance. 

Sane people and generations look back on Roman gladiatorial games with rightful disgust. It is doubtful that many Christians in the first centuries after Christ’s birth could envision that such a transformation in morals and social stigma could ever come to pass. But history is full of surprises, both bad and good. Many years of faithful preaching, widespread conversions to Christianity, and even great sacrifice were involved in ending the circuses, but they did eventually come to an end. Patient faithfulness rather than despair is the key. In the future, we should hope that advertisements about cross-dressing and witches will be seen as blasphemous, shameful, and irrational. It seems that corporate leaders have a hard time imagining that turn of events. Christians must not suffer the same failure of imagination.

Read more at WORLD Opinions.

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St. Jude's Anglican Church

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