A time for courage, conviction, and compassion

The simple fact is that both business owners and employees have rights. Lately, both have had their liberties threatened in a particularly pernicious way—along the lines of religious and moral principles. Countless articles, news reports, and prominent court cases have highlighted the plight of Christian bakers and photographers who refuse to participate in same-sex “marriages.” Obviously, there is a grave injustice in forcing business owners to render goods and services that would condone grievous sin.

But, on Labor Day, we must also remember the plight of those Christians who aren’t business owners but employees. Human Resources departments across much of the world—not just this land—have made it their business to enforce a new morality and new religion upon corporate workers. Simply put, employers are putting the screws to their employees to comply with sexual license and confusion, particularly concerning LGBT issues.

And there is a playbook to forcing compliance. For example, a company may offer employees the opportunity to add pronouns to their email signatures or their names while on a video conference. Those that do and do not do so are noted. One gets a feel for the room: who is progressive on this issue, and who isn’t? Then, it is suggested that employees voluntarily do so out of courtesy to others. Again, all reactions are duly noted. Eventually, the suggestions become stronger, heavier, and more pointed. The opponents of transgenderism will be clearly identified and must be forced to reevaluate their wrong-think. Who lands on the top of the termination list when the company needs to make cuts? When opportunities for promotion present themselves, who gets passed over?

Read more at WORLD Opinions.

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St. Jude's Anglican Church

We are a parish of the Reformed Episcopal Church. We have been worshiping together in the greater Richmond area for over a decade. We’d love to have you join us for Christian worship in the rich Anglican tradition.


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