‘A woke Disneyland’

The disastrous burning of the cathedral was a global event. Onlookers across the world gazed in horror as a triumph of architectural genius was threatened with complete destruction. And while some of the faithful expressed loss in theological terms, there was also a sense of anxiety as the last of the flames died out. A non-Christian globalist elite is in the driver’s seat in France, and the prevailing worldview is aesthetic and ideological—fundamentally at odds with the ideals that undergird the grandeur of the French Gothic. So, Notre Dame is to be rebuilt, but will the refurbished Notre Dame be beautiful?

Among the more controversial propositions for the renovation is the replacing of confessional boxes and classical sculptures with modern murals and light-and-sound effects to create “emotional spaces.” In terms of sacred architecture, formed stone crafted from the roots of the mountains and spaces dedicated to pastoral counsel and the remission of sins are to be supplanted by ethereal features that simply create a “mood.”

The real is to be replaced by the unreal, the concrete and representative by the abstract and insubstantial, the sacramental by the virtual. In addition, the proposals include a “discovery trail,” “with an emphasis on Africa and Asia” and with last chapel in the series revealing “a strong environmental emphasis.” The anxious self-loathing values of the postmodern elite are on clear display with these kitschy proposals. Other features of the renovation will include a so-called “Christianity for dumbies” trail and biblical passages in various languages projected on the wall. At least someone understands that this is a Christian house of worship, not just a tourist attraction.

Read more at WORLD Opinions.

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St. Jude's Anglican Church

We are a parish of the Reformed Episcopal Church. We have been worshiping together in the greater Richmond area for over a decade. We’d love to have you join us for Christian worship in the rich Anglican tradition.


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