Anglicanism’s woes and the future of Christianity

One revisionist bishop, John Wigorn, wasn’t shy about the heritage he had received from his liberal forbears, including the Rt. Rev. Charles Gore of Lux Mundi fame. Gore helped found the Liberal Catholic Movement, which maintained the aesthetic values and some theological hallmarks of Anglo-Catholicism while embracing the higher criticism of the Bible coming out of Germany. This was a horrifying about-face, since the first luminaries of the Oxford Movement, particularly E. B. Pusey, were strident opponents of the higher critics. Gore and his colleagues faced backlash, which Bishop Wigorn lionizes and identifies with.

The Liberal Catholics and other Modernists grew in the Church of England and came to dominate it. Ultimately, unbelief with regard to the Bible’s truthfulness flourished, especially during and after the World Wars. The immense pressure of a secularizing British culture didn’t help things.

Revisionists in the Church portray themselves as saving Christianity from itself, purifying it of the impurities of morality and the supernatural. But even TV sitcom writers knew that “modernists” were and are actually unbelievers.

Read more at WORLD Opinions.

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St. Jude's Anglican Church

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