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Anglicanism’s woes and the future of Christianity

One revisionist bishop, John Wigorn, wasn’t shy about the heritage he had received from his liberal forbears, including the Rt. Rev. Charles Gore of Lux Mundi fame. Gore helped found the Liberal Catholic Movement,…


“You can run on for a long time …”

Biblically minded Christians should be comforted by the fact that humanity’s desire for justice is strong. Thankfully, there are very few honest moral relativists. People indulge relativism when it allows…


Can the church help her members get married?

In America, marriage is on the rocks. The rates of matrimony have plummeted. And, as is so often the case with these sorts of social trends, explanations prove complicated. Pornography,…


Holy matrimony in the ruins

The only thing that marriage means for the everyday American libertine is a unique and perhaps outdated avenue for self-realization and personal satisfaction. And, once a marriage fails to satisfy…


Exploiting the “little ones”

As the Church evangelized the known world, civilization obviously changed, and the biblical theology of children was part of that change. As some have argued, the pagan West did not take…


Guess who’s not coming to dinner?

This probably isn’t the first time that the Family Foundation is going to have to turn the other cheek, and its experience increasingly reflects that of other Christians, Christian-owned businesses,…