Christian colleges face a clear choice

A private Christian university is not a state school or secular institution. Christian schools must remain true to their founding principles. School leaders have no right to bide their time in the hopes of betraying those principles. There’s more integrity in simply joining the sexual revolution and doing so honestly. Institutional commitments and convictions on these crucial matters shouldn’t be in the fine print.

Institutions of Christian higher learning must understand that the sexual libertine ideology will not accept compromise. Calvin and other evangelical institutions are learning the hard way that sexual identity language is but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to philosophical and theological commitments. Ideologically freighted phrasing of “welcome and affirmation” tends toward accepting and even celebrating immorality and rebellion against God’s created order. Simply put, Christian colleges should not welcome and affirm sin on their campuses. Obviously, evangelical colleges need to help students deal with sin and temptation. But presenting the latest ideological terminology isn’t the way to accomplish that, especially since it is language weaponized for the sake of normalizing and accepting the sin we are called to avoid as Christians.

Read more at WORLD Opinions.

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St. Jude's Anglican Church

We are a parish of the Reformed Episcopal Church. We have been worshiping together in the greater Richmond area for over a decade. We’d love to have you join us for Christian worship in the rich Anglican tradition.

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