It’s a bad idea, Baylor

Baylor is not the only Christian college to entertain such changes to policy and campus life. Many schools with solid evangelical backgrounds are also looking for more neutral “third-way” approaches to these hot-button issues. In so doing, they engage in a massive project of self-delusion.

The wider academic world increasingly accepts no surrender when it comes to the LGBTQ+ issue. Anything less than enthusiastic affirmation and celebration of LGBTQ+ sexual identities counts as “homophobia.” And yet, it is from this demanding, adversarial academic world that so many religious institutions crave approval. Eventually, this creates a pretext for surrender to the larger sexual culture. In school after school, these groups exist to advocate against traditional Christian teaching.

Read more at WORLD Opinions.

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St. Jude's Anglican Church

We are a parish of the Reformed Episcopal Church. We have been worshiping together in the greater Richmond area for over a decade. We’d love to have you join us for Christian worship in the rich Anglican tradition.

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