The confused message of a church divided

Now, it is not surprising that Brueggemann would advocate for such a position. He is a product of and ordained minister in ultra-liberal mainline Protestantism. What is odd is that the collared man touting his work isn’t a mainliner himself. He is James Martin, SJ. “SJ” stands for “Society of Jesus.” Any Protestant who knows church history will remember this religious order for its dutiful—even militant—service during the Counter-Reformation and beyond. In other words, this priest rooting for sexual license is Roman Catholic. But he is far from the only major Catholic figure pushing the LGBTQ agenda. .

Martin is merely one of the most outspoken Catholic proponents for redefining Christian sexual morality. A few weeks earlier, he tweeted out praise for the deceased Archbishop Rembert Weakland, a longtime voice of Catholic liberalization. Embarrassingly, Weakland also had a long track record of covering up sexual abuse and later admitted a number of homosexual affairs. Before deleting the tweet and apologizing, Martin responded to an online critic to say, “Have your friends ever done anything sinful?” The outcry was deservedly sarcastic. That level of tone-deafness belies a committed zeal for the LGBTQ transformation of the Roman Catholic Church.

Anyone familiar with revisionism in the Christian world knows that morals aren’t the only target. Revisionists change or suppress traditional orthodox doctrine, resulting in theological disaster. For example, Franciscan priest Richard Rohr has written of the “Divine Flow.” While his contemplations of the subject mesh well with Star Wars or Dune, they almost certainly don’t with the creedal, orthodox formulation of Trinitarianism. His is popular-level work, but he is also ordained. Neither Rohr nor Martin have been defrocked for their shenanigans. This confuses those within and without the Catholic fold.

Read more at WORLD Opinions.

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