Why would a preacher cast doubt on the authority of the Bible?

While Stanley’s centering on Christ is good, casting doubt upon the rest of the Scriptures will prove spiritually destructive and ecclesiastically detrimental. What gives a modern-day reader the right and authority to declare one part of God’s inspired Word historically reliable or ethically binding and another part (perhaps one that invites social ostracism) as unreliable and dismissible? Does he believe the Bible contains insurmountable contradictions? Did God mess up in His mission to specially reveal Himself? Can the Gospels be harmonized? If not, what is the devotional and theological life of Christians supposed to look like?

Inquiring minds want to know. Why? Because, sadly, Pastor Stanley has a bad track record on these issues. It would be easier to downplay these concerns over Biblical inerrancy if there weren’t previous examples of repeated irresponsible commentary. While some of Stanley’s critics act out of envy, others have simply seen where a weak doctrine of Scripture leads. One need only visit the empty hulks of the theologically liberal churches to find out for himself. The Bible is the Word of God, period.

Read more at WORLD Opinions.

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St. Jude's Anglican Church

We are a parish of the Reformed Episcopal Church. We have been worshiping together in the greater Richmond area for over a decade. We’d love to have you join us for Christian worship in the rich Anglican tradition.


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