“You can run on for a long time …”

Biblically minded Christians should be comforted by the fact that humanity’s desire for justice is strong. Thankfully, there are very few honest moral relativists. People indulge relativism when it allows them to misbehave in their desired way, but they immediately renounce it once they or those they care about are harmed by the misbehavior of others. They also renounce relativism when horrific evils like the Holocaust come into the discussion.

Murdering millions of people has to be wrong. Our consciences reel at the lie that such acts would be morally acceptable. We have been hardwired by our Creator to think this way. And yet we and others do revolt against our moral consciences and even harden them, building a spiritual callous against the pricks of God’s righteous Law written on the human heart. This kind of seared conscience is the one most comfortable with the most enormous crimes against humanity.

Read more at WORLD Opinions.

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St. Jude's Anglican Church

We are a parish of the Reformed Episcopal Church. We have been worshiping together in the greater Richmond area for over a decade. We’d love to have you join us for Christian worship in the rich Anglican tradition.


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