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Be fruitful and multiply—and ignore the critics

While the Bible does not prescribe that couples must have as many children as biologically possible, it commands human beings to multiply and fill the earth. Moreover, the Anglican tradition…


A perfect mash of moral confusion

In other words, corporate America has more than one kind of worldview problem. The most apparent kind has to do with embracing the lies of the Sexual Revolution, as well…

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Needed: Parents with the courage to confront the progressive tide

The way of anxiety involves keeping up with the expectations of a particular class of people (rightly identified as cultural elites). The elites demand a newly prescribed script for family…

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What explains violence in our public schools?

Most importantly, if a culture holds human life as cheap and meaningless or mocks the innocence of childhood, widespread violence should not be a surprise. If sons are denied their…


Didache-Phobia: On Our Weird, Weird Horror of Teaching

Let’s address a peculiar phenomenon that warrants recognition. Consider a couple of examples. Firstly, there’s often a dismayed reaction from parents or grandparents upon discovering that their children haven’t been…


The Weird and Wonderful World of “REALLY Protestant”

On the platform formerly known as Twitter, I came across this post from Scott Aniol: It appears that it is now cool for Evangelicals to observe Lent. Children of the…