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Maduro vs. Musk

Nor is our feeling of smallness when titans on the world stage come to rhetorical (hopefully not physical) blows. Perhaps we feel like the pitiful peasants of old—the seemingly forgotten nobodies who never made it into the history books. Perhaps our best course of action is to cheer on Musk as he challenges Maduro’s legitimacy.…


A delusion of Olympic proportions

But the highest sporting authorities in the world are now attempting to walk a tightrope between competitive fairness and sexual liberation. Simply put, men pretending to be women are at an unfair advantage against actual women. Yet, instead of putting down a blanket ban against transgendered athletes, we can find byzantine rules that attempt to…


Should humanity exist?

The folks at Politico would like us to think that anyone who wants “a culture in which child-rearing is paramount” is “far right,” and thus a menace to be eschewed. They would have us think that concern over the birth dearth is for oddballs. But such a belief isn’t “new right” or “far right.” It is…

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A heroic vision no more

But we can neglect the larger picture, which is this: America has changed in such a way as to make the traditional culture, practices, and values of Scouting undesirable. The contemporary world (particularly in the West) has turned its back on the civilization that founded the BSA and made it possible. It was a world…


It’s not funny anymore

Ministries must have the religious liberty to hire and fire according to doctrinal convictions. Churches need to expect and enforce standards of discipline. Sexual perversion must be frowned upon so that fewer souls take it up. Sexual depravity is a social contagion, and children increasingly take the brunt of these upsetting trends. False teaching must…


Orthodoxy is not optional

Richard John Neuhaus (1936-2009), the conservative Lutheran-turned-Catholic cleric and writer, originated what would become known as Neuhaus’ Law. Deeply aware of social dynamics and theological truth, he claimed, “Where orthodoxy is optional, orthodoxy will sooner or later be proscribed.” As our own culture continues its unsettling spiritual trajectory, Neuhaus’ Law keeps playing itself out over…