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Contempt for our country

We are witnessing a shift from gratitude to contempt. Just about every country in all of history has found some shared, unique goods to love. These goods were something to…


A religious devotion to the left

As a friend recently observed, there is so much talk about how, for conservative evangelicals, politics has reshaped theology. Some of that criticism is valid, but Sojourners is a case in point…


Well, we told you so

This is not a new argument. Over a decade ago, Sherif Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson, and Robert P. George wrote What Is Marriage? Man and Woman: a Defense. In that book, they…


A “reset” of the Anglican Communion

Revisionism tends toward universalism, the downplaying of sin, and otherwise portraying reality—even God Himself—as malleable to our will, preferences, and desires. In turn, the Bible is reduced to a contradictory…


“This is 1340 WKEY”

But we knew what was going on, especially in Covington, because Dwight Rohr and his fellow announcers at WKEY told us. And they also gave us what we loved and…


Do they know who they are following?

The truth is, many evangelicals unwittingly take their cues not from the Protestant Reformation but rather from the Radical or Anabaptist Reformation. The Radical tradition is characterized not only by…