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“The Fine Print”: Showing Up

This article is part of a series written by the Rev. Barton Gingerich entitled “The Fine Print”: Common-sense Expectations for Church Membership. Showing Up One bugbear of bad stewardship is a failure to attend not only worship services but also various studies and ministry efforts. After all, much of catechesis (the lifelong instruction in the…


“The Fine Print”: To Whom Do We Belong?

This article is part of a series written by the Rev. Barton Gingerich entitled “The Fine Print”: Common-sense Expectations for Church Membership. To Whom do we belong? Before going further, it’s crucial to establish the ground upon which demands on Christians are made. Baseless demands are the stuff of spiritual abuse. However, our Lord does…


“The Fine Print”: Devotion

This article is part of a series written by the Rev. Barton Gingerich entitled “The Fine Print”: Common-sense Expectations for Church Membership. We were made to worship God. We assemble together on Sunday–the Lord’s Day on which He rose bodily from the dead–to call upon His holy name and to be blessed by Him in…


“The Fine Print”: Theology Matters

This article is part of a series written by the Rev. Barton Gingerich entitled “The Fine Print”: Common-sense Expectations for Church Membership. The fine print? Whenever going into any kind of agreement, we’re often advised, “Be sure to read the fine print!” In other words, we don’t want to get snagged by details in a…

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The Most Rev. Leonard Riches (1939-2025): An Appreciation

Here at St. Jude’s, we’re happy and thankful to be a part of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC), which is now a subjurisdiction of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). And, as I mention those two institutions, I realize that both have been deeply impacted by the Most Reverend Leonard Riches, former Presiding Bishop…


Why Johnny Ivy League can’t read

If things are this bad, what does a university even mean, anyway? What’s its purpose? As a culture, we’ve decided that the university is not a place to learn the truth, grow in virtue, form scholarly saints, produce civilized ladies and gentlemen, or even provide much in terms of vocational training. It has become a…