What to Expect

Order, Truth, Honor, and Love

When you attend a service at St. Jude’s Anglican Church, you can expect four things: order, truth, honor, and love. The wellspring for these blessings is God Himself. And the resources that help endow us with these things and establish them in our life as a congregation comes from our patrimony: the Anglican way of being a Christian.


At St. Jude’s Anglican Church, we do worship by the book—the Holy Bible and the Book of Common Prayer. All Christians should be familiar with the Bible, but the Prayer Book might be unfamiliar. First produced in the 1500s during the Protestant Reformation in England, the Prayer Book has proven a bulwark of Christian devotion for generations of saints. It pulls from prayers, creeds, and other resources of the Christian tradition over the millennia, and it draws especially—and most importantly—on the inspired Word of God, including the entire Book of Psalms.


We desire to adhere to and live out the truth. To that end, we regularly confess the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Creed. We believe these are accurate summaries of biblical doctrine and help provide guardrails against harmful errors. Moreover, the focus of the preaching at St. Jude’s is what the assigned Scripture texts are saying, particularly in revealing the Lord Jesus Christ. You won’t find much in terms of life-coaching, therapy, or political activism. Hopefully, you will find sin condemned, salvation proclaimed, and the Lord exalted, all without worldly compromise.

For a more detailed explanation, visit our beliefs page.


We honor God with our bodies. That includes how we physically conduct ourselves in assembled worship. As Anglicans, we regularly sit, stand, and kneel during corporate worship. It’s not unusual to see bowing or crossing oneself at various points of the service.


St. Jude’s members are a warm and friendly bunch. If you are new here, expect to be greeted by members of the parish, especially during the time of fellowship and refreshments after the service. We come from a wide array of backgrounds, but we all seek to love God and one another. Be sure to stick around that you might get to know us and we you.
