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The scourge of abortion and the Herods of our day

On Dec. 28, the Christian calendar marks the Feast of the Holy Innocents. It commemorates that most horrid biblical episode recorded in Matthew 2:13-18—King Herod’s slaughter of baby boys in…


‘A woke Disneyland’

The disastrous burning of the cathedral was a global event. Onlookers across the world gazed in horror as a triumph of architectural genius was threatened with complete destruction. And while…

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The apocalyptic warning sent to Speaker Pelosi

Archbishop Cordileone has instigated an unveiling of truth—in other words, a good old-fashioned apocalypse. Speaker Pelosi and other lawmakers must now either renounce their Catholic faith or repent. Their real religion will…


It’s a bad idea, Baylor

Baylor is not the only Christian college to entertain such changes to policy and campus life. Many schools with solid evangelical backgrounds are also looking for more neutral “third-way” approaches…


The sexual revolution and theological liberalism are a package deal

It’s a simple truth. If the commitment to Christian orthodoxy is weak and the commitment to certain political outlooks is strong, it’s not long before the one subsumes the other.…


Hillsong and the lies evangelicals tell ourselves

One is reminded of the prediction that Carl Trueman made nearly a decade ago: “You really do kid only yourselves if you think you can be an orthodox Christian and be…