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The confused message of a church divided

Now, it is not surprising that Brueggemann would advocate for such a position. He is a product of and ordained minister in ultra-liberal mainline Protestantism. What is odd is that…


A time for courage, conviction, and compassion

The simple fact is that both business owners and employees have rights. Lately, both have had their liberties threatened in a particularly pernicious way—along the lines of religious and moral…


Remember the Huguenots

Some have even argued that Counter-Reformation Catholics, desperate to defeat the devastating logic of Huguenot apologists, aided a virulent skepticism that served as a seedbed for revolutionary unbelief, paving the way for…


The ideological fixation of today’s academia

To summarize a very complex and intricate history, over time, Truth incarnate was removed as the central, unifying point of learning and has been pushed further to the fringes, leading…


Classical education isn’t just a lifeboat

The main goal of education shouldn’t be moneymaking. It shouldn’t be self-actualization or gentlemanliness. It shouldn’t be good citizenship, however defined. It should be wisdom and virtue. Those two universal…


Confronting the sexual revolution

Now, with the mythical “constitutional right to abort” revealed and reversed, an important social divide has become clearer than it has in many decades. Progressives see sex as recreational; traditionalists…